Thursday, June 12, 2014



Banda aceh is the largest coffee hawker centre in Indonesia, almost every street is filled with the coffee shop outlets offer different types of coffee. The coffee addicts always offer coffee savory menus that are typical of any coffee shop that you visit in this city.

Banda Aceh was first known as the city of 1001 coffee shop, it is in the foreground with their ever-increasing number of coffee shop that serves coffee specialities .

        Some coffee lovers are generally still not drinking a glass of coffee knows that can nourish the body, according to a variety of coffee Experts say coffee is very good for the metabolism of the body, such as stimulating andrenalin and stimulates the vascular system.

SIP and savour a cup of hot coffee in his typical of Aceh is a necessity that should not be missed when you are visiting the Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Aceh coffee tastes very special because you will not find as enjoyable as aceh coffee coffee in any area in Indonesia. Interesting things while enjoying a coffee in Aceh is to relax and joked with friends and relatives. Enjoy a coffee in Aceh is unique and rare experience .

       Drinking coffee is a tradition and daily habits are passed down from generation to generation in the life of the people of Aceh. Therefore, there are many in Aceh Tavern-coffee shop. 

   Traditional coffee shop in Aceh was boiled coffee drinks and then use a strainer when about to be served. It was nothing more than a table and chairs. Traditional coffee shops are classed as the first generation. The second generation was developed with coffee shop franchise. The third generation is the coffee shop that provides facilities not only drinks and food, but also music, satellite television, and internet access.

        Following from such a large number of coffee shops in banda aceh but there are a few places that I have ever tasted the pleasures of coffee land of Rencong who had visited Banda Aceh communities or from other cities in Indonesia, even from abroad. Because the coffee shop I have ever had was the characteristic taste and legendary .

But there are still many other coffee shops that have not had time I stop, this is just a small part of a coffee shop. Want to know anything about it, I explain the following:

1.      SOLONG

          Coffee shops are already legendary in this still remain in Aceh have been very fond of indoor design even though it has very simple. Solong Ulee Kareng coffee is well known for its distinctive taste on the tongue. Although crowded, crowded and cigarette smoke, Solong still remains a favorite place the coffee-hopping. Not only ordinary people, officials and other influential people spent much time here. Even for guests visiting the Aceh Government will surely come here to try the enjoyment of coffee .

           Since the establishment of the coffee shop coffee lovers solong ranging from fathers to young children, and they spend the time to chat. during the ' disaster .

2.      DHAPU KUPI

Provide strategic junction located in Surabaya. Dhapu Kupi provides Aceh Noodles and Noodle with Midi. Dhapu Kupi provides extensive for the appreciator of coffee .Location Dhapu Kupi is on new roads leading to the area of Lampeuneurut. In addition to treatment in a coffee can taste, we can also make use of the free irternet network because wi-fi is already available. They also provide distinctive eye Dhapu Kupi cendra, out of matchsticks, clothes, stickers and more.


            The cafĂ© was enough this was designed not too fancy. But the service was excellent and the room clean, not stuffy andsmoke free add value plus this place. In addition to the usual drinks, Tip Thoe Civet coffee also provides secure accessto pockets of young children. Not only that, in addition to free internet provided for the visitors, di here also provided special room karaoke and live music every Thursday night and Saturday night. So for those of you who like to hang out with friends while you play the sound, then this could be the right choice. For the price, don't worry, because there will be your pockets incriminate .

       In this petuah thoe I tip only photographed from deep, because I didn't get stopped, but before first-this place used to be many enjoy by the young adults have and there are also with family .


Saturday, May 17, 2014


          The village is located in the lowlands of the population is largely traditional Acehnese house made ​​of wood. The houses in the village of Lubuk Sukon still apply the traditional concept combined with the development and the needs of the present. Wisely housing is designed with the principles of earthquake-resistant. Acehnese people, especially those living in the region of Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar are well aware that the location of the earthquake region are underlined.

          On our visit to the village a few days ago Lubuk Sukon, we took some photos of the house of Aceh, where the building is almost no longer in Aceh is due to the development of technology. there is plenty of Aceh traditional house is still preserved. The following pictures we took.

Friday, April 25, 2014


      Peunayong, Chinatown Aceh, village world. This may also correlate with the acronym ACEH - Arabic, Chinese, European, and Hindi. For historical remarks, the meeting place of Aceh became merchants of various countries.

             Peunayong a Chinese village that became Pacinan Aceh past. Then looked Peunayong, how mengapreasi or reduce re-"frame" image of the past; Aceh recall landmarks that remain in the same style as his past, like the story of "Garden Passion" in two cultures that are deeply embedded in the rurat and Peunayong icon. Passion park, a park where families mingle in the garden of the sultan that it was built "China Center" (pavilion) made ​​by Chinese workers. 

             Peunayong ancient buildings use China architectural style that can be seen from the doors,shape of the roof,  windows, ornaments , and facades .

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


This time I will show shots panning technique. 
Panning is a technique of photographing follow moving objects horizontally. The technique does is move the camera in the direction of movement of the object, the object is expected to remain sharply focused while the other objects to be blurry. 
The following are some of my objects take on punge and surrounding areas.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Fishing Activities in Lampulo

All of the above photo I took while hunting together in Lampulo. Lampulo market, is the largest fish market in Banda Aceh. It is located on the oldest port that has existed since the days of the Kingdom of Aceh. 
Many interesting photographs that I can get in Lampulo, For example, the longer standing, boat repair grandfather , and fishing sailing .

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I took this photo during the afternoon. mock object construction of a work of architecture students Unsyiah.
which I took from a corner that leads to the top. giving rise to a real impression and show the structure of the cable.

Thursday, February 27, 2014


This photo was taken from the hope of the nation Lhong Raya stadium, Banda Aceh.

Friday, February 21, 2014


Photographic composition is the problem of placing various objects pictured in the photo frame. Good or not the composition of a photograph is highly dependent on the needs of the photograph itself. The composition can be made by setting the object to be photographed, or adjust the angle (the angle) and a selection of lenses for shooting objects that can not be regulated.

Some kinds of photography composition such as Rule of Thirds, Vanishing Point, "S" Curve, Monotone, One Direction Flow, Dept. of Field, Silhouette, Reflection, Framing, etc.
The following are photos I took and some containing compositions include:


Black and White or black and white photography is a separate stream that has quite a lot of takers. Where different from the color photos have a variety of colors, BLACK WHITE only consist of derivative 2 black to white.

Black and white example


The composition is showing a photograph that has a reflection or shadow of the object.
This is an example where I take a reflected light from the bridge into the water. reflections or shadows of the buildings in the windows of other buildings.

reflection example


Rule of Third is the development of the Golden Ratio symmetry which has long been known in the art. In the Rule of Third picture frame is divided into three vertical sections and horizontal three sections .

rule of third example

In the example above the horizon dividers placed third over (although there are not very precise). This is because the aspect you want highlighted in this photo is a grass-covered ground and the colors are brilliant.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My best picture...


This is a photo taken from Banda Aceh polytechnic campus. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Alasan Menggunakan Jasa Arsitek

Apa yang dilakukan oleh seorang arsitek untuk proyek Anda?

1. Arsitek dilatih untuk menerima penjelasan dari Anda dan dapat melihat konsep besarnya - mereka menyadari kebutuhan-kebutuhan penting Anda untuk mendesain bangunan yang fleksibel dan dapat beradaptasi dengan perubahan-perubahan kebutuhan bisnis Anda.
2. Arsitek dapat menghemat uang Anda dengan memaksimalkan investasi Anda. Sebuah bangunan yang terdesain dengan baik dapat mengurangi biaya Anda saat ini dan meningkatkan nilainya untuk jangka panjang.
3. Arsitek dapat menghemat waktu Anda - dengan mengatur dan mengoordinasikan elemen-elemen penting dalam proyek, sehingga memberikan Anda waktu untuk berkonsentrasi kepada aktifitas organisasi Anda.
4. Arsitek dapat membantu bisnis Anda. Mereka menciptakan lingkungan binaan secara keseluruhan - interior dan eksterior - yang nyaman dan fungsional untuk para pengguna dan penghuni lingkungan tersebut.

Penjelasan proyek

Kunci kesuksesan utama dari proyek Anda sangat bergantung kepada kualitas penjelasan Anda, yang mana adalah kemampuan Anda untuk menjelaskan secara rinci kepada arsitek Anda mengenai kebutuhan-kebutuhan dan fungsi-fungsi dari bangunan Anda, dan rencana pengoperasian dan cara mengaturnya. Arsitek Anda terlatih untuk membantu Anda menyiapkan penjelasan akhir. Yang termasuk hal-hal penting yang dibutuhkan oleh arsitek Anda untuk diketahui adalah:

1. Tujuan Anda:
Apakah Anda menginginkan pencitraan yang baru (new image), memperluas ruangan atau mengadopsi teknologi baru? Apakah Anda merespon kebutuhan dari kebutuhan perubahaan struktur organisasi?
2. Gaya desain Anda:
Apakah Anda mempertahankan gaya desain dengan bangunan yang ada? Apakah Anda menginginkan desain yang terbaru atau canggih? Apakah Anda memperhatikan aspek desain yang langgeng atau ekologis?
3. Alasan Anda mengajukan proyek ini:
Aktifitas apa saja yang ditujukan dalam proyek ini?
4. Otoritas Anda:
Siapa yang akan mengambil keputusan? Tentang desain? Tentang biaya? Tentang tanggung jawab harian ketika proyek sedang berjalan?
5. Harapan keseluruhan Anda:
Apa yang Anda harap akan dicapai dalam proyek ini? Kepuasan pribadi? Mengesankan klien atau kompetitor Anda? Keunggulan bisnis Anda dalam sebuah komunitas? Memberikan suasana menyenangkan dan efisiensi yang lebih baik bagi karyawan Anda? Sebuah tempat yang lebih nyaman bagi Anda untuk Anda tempati?

Jika terlalu banyak ketidakpastian bagi arsitek Anda untuk menanggapi secara positif, ia bisa saja mengajukan usulan untuk melakukan penelitian pendahuluan atau studi banding sehingga Anda dapat menentukan kebutuhan-kebutuhan Anda pada informasi dasar yang nyata. Anda dapat menunjuknya atau seorang arsitek lain lagi untuk melakukan tugas studi ini bagi Anda dengan dasar perhitungan biaya jasanya persatuan waktu.
